Why You Should Invest In Branded Motion Videos Instead Of Using Stock Videos.

Motion videos have become a fun addition to effective marketing strategies. They captivate audiences, convey messages quickly, and enhance brand storytelling. Since motion videos are growing in popularity among companies for marketing purposes, some companies debate whether to use stock animations or to have a branded motion video created specifically for their company with their goals in mind.

While stock animated videos might seem appealing due to their cost and convenience, they don’t have the success a custom motion video typically has. On the other hand, custom animated videos involve a comprehensive creative process like we have at Snap Animation Studio. This blog explores the compelling advantages of investing in custom marketing animation videos with us hopefully at Snap.

Engaging Your Target Audience With Custom Motion Videos

Animated motion videos play a crucial role in capturing and maintaining audience attention. While stock animations lack uniqueness and relevance, often appearing too generic, custom animations are specifically tailored to engage and resonate with your target audience. This personalized approach makes viewers more likely to connect with your message and take action. Custom animations offer a unique visual experience that distinguishes your brand from competitors, creating a lasting impact on viewers.

Catering To Your Company’s Specific Needs And Goals With Branded Motion Videos

Custom animations provide the flexibility to meet your brand’s unique requirements. At Snap Animation Studio, we tailor every video to align with your brand’s visual identity, including fonts, colors, tone, and overall visual language. This ensures that the animation looks like an integral part of your brand. The collaborative process with our animation production studio involves several steps, including concept development, scriptwriting, visual design, and message alignment. Our dedicated team works with you to create a targeted and effective branded motion video that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Enhancing Brand Recognition And Credibility With Marketing Motion Videos

Stock animations can dilute your brand’s differentiators by having too much of a generic feel. In contrast, custom animations create a memorable and distinctive brand image that enhances recognition and credibility. For example, consider the Vitals SmartShoppers video we created. 

This custom animation effectively engages viewers, caters to the company’s specific needs, and includes detailed information that reinforces the brand’s identity. The video captures attention while also strengthening the brand’s credibility and recognition among its audience.

Choosing Snap Animation Studio For Your Company’s Custom Motion Video

Custom marketing motion videos offer numerous benefits over stock animations. Many of our clients come to us after disappointing experiences with generic services like Fiverr. They often report receiving subpar products, facing additional costs for revisions, and suffering from poor communication. Custom animations from Snap Animation Studio provide a cohesive and high-quality solution, ensuring that your message is clear and impactful. If you’re unsure about what to convey or how to convey it, our professional team will guide you through the process, ensuring seamless communication and a final product that truly represents your brand.

For our process at Snap Animation Studio, we start with a conversation, present multiple concepts, and collaborate closely with clients at every stage to solve visual and creative challenges. The process includes writing scripts, incorporating feedback, and making revisions to ensure the final product perfectly aligns with your vision.

Investing in custom animated videos is a strategic move for raising brand awareness, driving sales, and building customer relationships. To explore how custom animations can elevate your marketing efforts, contact Snap Animation Studio today. Let’s create a tailored motion video for your company!

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